Hair Straighteners and Burns

Hair Straighteners, which can reach temperatures over 400 degrees, are responsible for an alarming number of burns in children. According to an article in the Mirror, one hospital in England reported 110 burns treated on children in the past 5 years while another reported 155.

That’s a lot of burns on children, frighteningly, many of whom are under 2 years of age.

Children are at a lot greater risk when it comes to burns because “their skin is up to 15 times thinner than adults.” Some of these children required plastic surgery and skin grafts.

Injuries are caused when children grab the straightener or when it falls off the counter on them.

Parents need to be aware of the fact that these straighteners look like toys to small children. Additionally, parents need to realize that straighteners can take over 15 minutes to cool down enough not to cause serious burns.

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