Aearo Free Videos and a Free DVD

Yesterday, I gave you a link to the different Aearo Corporation’s free audio clips. Today I want to take you from audio to video.

Aearo has 5 different video clips available on their website too. The information below is straight from their website here:

1. Fitting Foam Earplugs (5 minutes)
This single–topic film is a clear demonstration, including animation, of how to fit foam earplugs. This includes many of the tips and tools described in print in the E•A•R® Instruction Booklet also found on this web site. This film is excellent to include with your annual training programs or to excerpt and insert in your own training videos or PowerPoint files.

(100 MB)    (Streaming)
(30 MB)  

2. Fitting Premolded and Push-Ins style earplugs (5 minutes each)
Like the fitting foam earplugs film above, each of these two single-topic films provides a clear demonstration, including animation, of how to fit the respective products. This includes many of the tips and tools described in EARLog #9 that can be downloaded from the EARLog page of this web site. These films can be included in your annual training programs or excerpted for your own training videos or PowerPoint files.

(100 MB)    (Streaming)
(100 MB)    (Streaming)

3. Auditory Transduction
With exciting 3-D animation and a dramatic classical sound track, this 7-min. video takes us on a trip through the ear to vividly explain how we hear. Auditory Transduction is definitely “best of breed” on the topic. Brandon Pletsch has given permission to 3M to post this video on our web site and YouTube. To learn more about this National Science Foundation award winning film, please go here: You may contact Mr. Pletsch directly via his web site at
(122 MB )     (Streaming)

4. Sound of Sound Excerpt (1 minute)
Three excerpts from steel workers who have suffered the angst of hearing loss and tinnitus due to noise provides glimpses of how it has affected their lives. Though the original film was produced in 1970, these excerpts from this award winning safety film1 present an emphatic and timeless message.

1The original film won the Highest Honors of the National Committee on Films for Safety, the Film Festival Award for Medicine and Health (24th Nat. Conf. Pub. Relations Society of America), and the Gold Medal of the International Film and TV Festival of New York.
(8 MB )     (Streaming)

5. Gear up for Safety (only available as DVD-see below)
An exciting video series to help train and motivate your employees on the merits and how-tos of hearing conservation; presented by hearing protection experts and top NASCAR Crew Chief, Jimmy Makar.

The Fitting Foam Earplugs and Gear Up for Safety programs are available on one DVD. To receive a free copy of the following video, contact our Customer Service by calling 800–225–9038.
Request product code 70–0715–7149–4.